Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Better Late Than Never

I am thankful for old money that is still in circulation. I was sad when I had to finally part with my 1995 five dollar bill, which is much prettier than the 2006 one on the bottom of my money totem pole.

I am thankful for a hand to hold when I cross the street in the fog. I'm thankful for foggy days. I'm thankful not foggy days, too.

I'm thankful for this boy. I mean, just look at that face. It just screams adorable.

I'm thankful for being an art major. I'm thankful that I didn't drop out of college and become a hobo on the street. I'm thankful that I'm still here.

I'm thankful for snow. I'm thankful for not snow, but that is summertime weather. When it's wintertime, a nice blanket of white crisp snow that is just begging to be tromped on is just about as much as I can handle. Oh the snow memories I harbor from my childhood!

Oh and also I am thankful for a car to drive. I put the gas in it, but my daddy pays for a lot of the upkeep. He's awesome. I'm also thankful for HIM and he should know it.

I'm thankful for goofy friends to spend time with. That coat is an abomination, but she makes it look good, doesn't she?

I'm thankful for monster burgers to feed his monstrous appetite. 'Nuff said.

I'm thankful for apple pie. You know, my momma won a blue ribbon for hers at least three years in a row at the county fair, so you just know it's the best. You just know. (turkey vent design by yours truly!)

Aaaand I supposed I should mention that I'm also thankful for my mom because she's a sweetheart and everyone who meets her wishes that she was their mom, but how in the world did I get so lucky with not just one but two awesome parental units?

I'm thankful for ski days at Lookout Pass. I'm thankful for TheMechanic (pictured here with the Fajah), and TheKeeper and also I'm thankful for DP even though sometimes she's a huge pain and drives me crazy. Well, actually they are all huge pains who drive me crazy, but that is another story. I'm just thankful they are my siblings and I don't have to share them with anyone because for all their hormones they are a fun bunch of kids to hang out with. And not to mention we are all pretty good looking, huh?

I am thankful for snowmen. And snow forts. And igloos. And snowflakes. And well, just winter in general - even if it makes people forget how to drive.

And last but not least I'm thankful for Jesus. I don't need to describe how awesome he is - because once you know him you just know. I mean, you just do. And pictured here is my tribute to Jonah, who proves that you can mess up royally and try to run away, but God will always be there for you and will always love you no matter what and in more ways than you could ever count to.

I've titled this print "Indigestion." Oh, I crack myself up. I'm thankful for senses of humor. I need to go to bed...

Monday, November 29, 2010

You Wanted To Drive This Winter? Ha!

Do you know what I love about Moscow in the winter time? Not the roads. You see, this is because no one in Moscow understands plowing.

You want to turn left? Forget about it.

You need to change lanes? Oops! Too late!

You wanted to park on the other side of the road when you got to work? Tough toe nails, punk. You're screwed!

Who's stupid idea was this anyway? What's the point of having a berm of snow in the middle of the road? Three laned roads now only have two lanes and forget it if you are in the wrong one because now you're stuck there.

You have to figure out how to get places only making right turns except for at stop lights because turning left is downright impossible. And the other problem to this is that a lot of roads in downtown Moscow are one way, so basically it's a big F U to all the people out there who would like to maybe park in an open parking spot that they have to figure out how to cross a giant snow middle finger to get to.

The only reason I can figure out this waste of a plow job is because there's parking along the side of most of Moscow's streets, so instead of plowing the parking spots as well they just plow all the snow into the middle of the road. Which is by far the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No Shave November part 2

(day 14)

No Shave November is quickly coming to a close, with just less than a week left to go. I shamefully have to admit that I do not have a picture for every day, but I have enough pictures to thoroughly showcase the progress of the facial hair attack on Prince's mug.

(day 21)

I like to run my finger tips along the contour lines of Prince's beard. I think his newly acquired facial hair makes him look older than his fresh-shaved version of his face. But, there are pros and cons to both because I do like a smooth jawline too.

(day 24)

The time is drawing close for him to shave it all off...do you think his face will be cold when he sheds his woolly booger persona?

Friday, November 19, 2010

400 Posts

I have reached the 400 post mark! Wow! Who knew I had so much to say?

Except my parents. I was talker at an early age.

At least, I think I was. I don't remember right now, but maybe that's because it's been a long week since today marks the first day of Thanksgiving break! I celebrated with buying a new jacket.

And wrapping up some of my art projects. I have to bring home my copper plate during break so I can etch a new image on the surface. Quite the ordeal there. And I have to make a frame. And I have to write some such classroom management plan or the like for my education class during break also. I'm going to have lots of fun.

But not as much fun as Prince Charming who has three projects to finish during break. Yuck-o.

Anyway, I'm headed back home tomorrow morning so that I don't have to drive home in the dark on one of the most dangerous and deadly roads during the winter.

And I'm still mad at TheKeeper for getting me all excited about him coming to visit me tonight and then not being able to make it down after all. He better be prepared for some hard core hang out time when I get home!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Well, I Suppose I Should Mention

Today is my blogiversary. My little blog is 2 years old now, and we've been through a lot.

Ups and downs of emotional roller coasters. Losing friends, making friends, that whole Prince Charming annoying-ness. It started with three followers, and last year at this time I was up to 26! Yeah! And now I've got 60!

60 followers. And still only 9 or so people who visit and less who leave comments. It's okay. And you know why it's okay? Because I'm not going to resonate with every person who reads my blog. I'm not going to try and aim to speak to every person - because guess why?

This is my blog, and I write for me! And some people just aren't interested in what I have to say, and that's totally okay. We are all people. We are all allowed to have our own points of view, our own opinions and our own thoughts, and they don't have to be the same as everyone else.

Because, well really, but just how boring would that be? I mean seriously.

So, in celebration of my blog's birthday, I'll list some of my favorite past posts:

My Fear Of Phone Calls

Where My Brother Bludgeons A "Gopher"

The Routine (Fiction)

My Active Imagination

Every Ending Has A New Beginning 

How To Feel Beautiful 

Drink Suggestions

Hesitation Where Love Is Concerned (Fiction)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Love Hesitates (Fiction)

create a story based on this personification: love hesitates

He held the box in his hand, flicked open the lid to make sure the $278 white gold band complete with a princess cut diamond was still in its rightful place. He'd stared at the box, and the ring, too many times to count - to afraid to ask the question he was 90% sure of the answer for. The 'what ifs' were getting to him.

Sighing, he stood up from his bed, closing the box and placing it in the pocket of his black pea coat. It had been there for about a month, but the moment just never felt right. Maybe this type of thing is better off planned... he thought as he begrudgingly shut his dowdy apartment door behind him. He was going to meet her.

She was lovely. Every time she looked at him from across the table, she beamed. Her pearly whites were pearly as ever. He didn't know what to do but stare at her. He held her hand on top of the table as they were waiting for their food. Now is as good of a time as ever... But still, he couldn't bring himself to dislodge the little box from his pocket and show her his purchase. It just wasn't that simple.

He kissed her goodnight outside her door, lingering as long as he dared, putting off the inevitable. If he'd only ask her, then he wouldn't have to keep doing this - this whole goodnight deal. If he'd only ask her...if he'd only ask.

Certain that she'd give him the answer he wanted, he left her at her door and made his way back to his lonely, empty apartment. Her embrace had been so warm, her kisses so sweet. Why was this so hard? He wrestled with his inner thoughts as he lay in bed, ignoring the urge to get up and call her on the phone right that very second and tell her all the ways he loved her and that she should be his forever. He rolled over and closed his eyes.

The park was lovely. The air was crispy and slightly cold, typical of a perfect autumn day. The colored leaves were falling to the ground, and her blue jacket matched her eyes in the best way they could possibly ever compliment anything. He fingered the box in it's place inside his pea coat pocket, but still he was holding back.

She took his hand in hers and wrapped her fingers in the empty spaces between his. She looked at him and smiled, remarking how quiet he'd been all day. He smiled and shrugged and squeezed her hand. Inwardly, his heart was racing. With his free hand, he grabbed the box, but something shouted "NO! Not yet!" And he furrowed his brow a little as he released the box from his grasp.

"What's wrong?" she inquired, her voice sweet and syrupy. She always spoke in a sort of sing song voice that made him just want to do anything for her.

"Nothing, nothing," he lied, sensing that now would be a good time to make his move, but alas, it wasn't meant for this moment either. He was hesitating. He knew he was hesitating. He didn't know how to not hesitate.

"Are you sure? You look uncomfortable?" She stopped walking, jerking him to a halt on a grey stone path lined with deliciously golden leafed trees on either side. Park benches where beautifully old couples sat. The old men catching a bit of a nap and the old ladies spreading some bird crumbs for the stay-behind feathered friends who hadn't flown south yet.

Blood pressure elevated, sweat was starting to form on the edge of his hair line. He grabbed the box in his pocket and without waiting to think, he flicked open the lid. She gasped. He got on one knee.

Tears in her eyes, she looked at him, beaming, waiting for him to say the words she so desperately wanted to hear. He was choking on his words, so full of emotion, so surprised at himself. A month he had had this ring, a month he had been waiting for the right moment. A month was far too long, he thought.

"Will you..." he trailed off, not wanting his voice to crack. People were looking now, the old ladies hurriedly and excitedly elbowing their respective elderly gents to watch the spectacle that was about to unfold.

She nodded, not waiting for him to finish the question. He smiled and placed the lovely piece of jewelry on her delicate finger. As they embraced, the spectators cheered all doe eyed and happy. It was in that moment that he realized hesitation was the wrong answer, and that maybe, just maybe the spontaneous moments in life held the most joy.

Monday, November 15, 2010


So I tried to post a blog earlier, but the more I thought about what I wrote, the more it didn't sound like what I meant for it to, and then it was just about the only thing I could focus on in art history - well, that and the fact that the university does have a ceramics class and it started this semester and not next semester so that means one of my classmates was wrong, but I didn't speak up to correct him, and whew. Can we just stop for a minute?

What I had meant to say with that other post that is now in the Davy Jones' locker for blog posts is not really how I meant to come off about a certain thing that I have been doing a lot of thinking and rethinking about, no matter how hard I try and not think about that thing that I keep thinking about.

It's just ridiculous.

I mean, yes, I do think about it a lot and probably what would help me not think about that thing a lot would be an apology from someone who I'm not going to ask for an apology because I just want it to appear out of the goodness of his heart and his love for me. Ahem. Then when I walk by the freshmen Tower I can no longer cringe at the thought of the person who lives there and what happened during one of the most awful periods of my life this far.

Yes, it happened. No it's not going to happen again. But I still want some confirmation! I want something private and sincere, not in front of a lot of people. I want consolation so I can stop feeling like crap whenever I see this person in person. And does that make any sense at all?

I mean, you guys have really no idea what happened, or what event I'm talking about, but you can probably tell that I think about it a little too much. I don't want to let it affect me as much as it does, and I try to put on a brave face and make like it just doesn't matter, but all my brain parts and heart parts are telling me that it does matter a little bit and even though it's technically over it's not really over and really, but really I just don't want to put aside my feelings every time we run into her at the cafeteria.

But you see, with the previous post that is no longer posted, it came out all wrong. I want to point out what a good boyfriend I have. He loves me. He takes care of me. He surprised me yesterday by rubbing my dirty feet after I'd been standing on them for almost eight hours at work. You have to understand, he doesn't like feet and trying to get him to rub them is a downright chore, especially if it's pre-shower feet wearing the smell of all-day-in-the-shoe.

He sends me "i love you" texts. He goes out to eat with me. He does things sometimes that he doesn't really want to do because he knows it will make me happy if he goes along with my plans. I can't express to you how very much this boy means to me in all the ways that are important. Yes, we sometimes get angry at each other. Sometimes we argue. But usually we're only mad when both of us are either tired and/or hungry and our conflicts are easily resolved. I mean, we're human.

So I guess in conclusion to this post that seems to run amok in every which direction, I would like to say that Prince Charming is quite possibly the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, and I don't want to trade him for anything in the world and I'm glad that he loves me too.

I Heart Faces Does Silhouettes

High School Musical Re-enactment = win! 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

No Shave November part 1

(day 13)

I don't know if you've heard of No Shave November, but it's a tradition for the college aged male population and this year Prince Charming is participating.

He's the type of guy to shave at least every three days, sometimes two days and sometimes four, but mostly three. Usually when he hits the third day he starts complaining about how itchy his beard is and how he needs to shave.

So we bet him 100 dollars that he couldn't go a whole month without shaving or complaining about it. If he complains, he gets 50 cents deducted from his total 100 possible earnings. So far, it's been 13 days and he hasn't complained once.

Not. once.

I've been documenting his progress on Facebook with a picture every day since day 5. I didn't take one sooner than that because days 1 through 4 were just "normal" days. I wanted to get shots of the action, so I waited until things got interesting.

Behold day 5:
(the start of the fireworks)

I think he looks good with a beard. But kissing is definitely a different story when whiskers are involved. I'm not sure if I like that or not...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What The Future Means For You, Blog Readers

I'm thinking that writing for the sake of writing is a good idea. It looks better and better the more I think about it. Do I need a purpose to write? Does something have to be interesting for me to discuss it in public forum for all the people in the world and their brothers to see?

Does a blog post need to be relatively thought provoking? All the time?

Can't someone just simply come into the blogosphere and remark "The sky is certainly blue today"? Because I think you can. I think it's justifiable. Do I want one sentence blog posts? Not necessarily. Have I read them? Can they be interesting? Absolutely.

But today, the sky really is very blue. With slight cloud-age and a bit of wind. It's beginning to act like November, but there's still no snow on the ground. For now, I'm most certainly okay with this. I don't like to walk to class in the snow, or walk to work, or be outside trudging around campus in canvas shoes because it suddenly snowed and my boots are locked safe and warm in my room.

I'm contemplating starting a "Drink of the Week" ish like thing to post on my blog. I've decided to post more about my artwork. Not so much as to showcase the pieces of art themselves, but to just talk about art. Talk about art theory, talk about processes, talk about colors and lines and shapes.

I'm looking to sort of revamp my blog.

Maybe I'll write some posts that are fictional, just to develop characters and express myself in a different way. I did write a fictional piece once for MamaKat's Writer's Workshop and it got a good response. I have always been tempted to write more, but never really felt like the timing was right. Never really felt like people would understand it was fiction unless I talked about it before the actual post. Well, here I am talking about it, so no more excuses.

Also, I'm just going to write what I think. About everything. I'm not going to wonder if you are interested in the topic or how well it can relate to whoever the 9 of you are that actually read my blog, but I'm just going to write it. And we'll see how it goes.

I'm done feeling trapped by my blog. I'm breaking down walls, fences, and buildings. I might possibly use C4 and an grenade launcher to help me out a bit, but I'm going to do this. I'm going to change my blog. For the better.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Traveling Time

This is an intaglio print. It's a piece of plexiglass that I cut down to 5x7 inches and scratched into with an Xacto knife.

The trick is that you have to etch the image in mirror form, because when you print it you get the reverse of whatever you etched.

Our theme was time-travel. Brainstorming, I thought about Calvin and Hobbes' cardboard box, Doc Brown and Marty McFly, wormholes, clocks, etc. I really wanted to draw Calvin and Hobbes because they are not only hilarious, but you can play off the concept of time travel with them even more than the literal interpretation of their time machine adventures of the cardboard variety.

Calvin and Hobbes can represent child hood. Imagination. Time goes by slowly when you are a little kid. I remember that summers used to last forever, and now they just zoom right passed me at light speed. The more I thought about Calvin and Hobbes, the more I wanted to do it. But then when I put pencil to paper for preliminary sketching purposes, nothing flowed right.

So I went back to the drawing board. (Heh.)

I revisited my initial ideas, Doc Brown would be too difficult to etch his face, the same with Mr. McFly. And I'm just not all that interested in trying to draw a wormhole, truth be told. I still really liked that idea of childhood and going back to being little. There's something so timeless about the imaginations of little kids, something that transcends the ages. All little kids play pretend.

And you know when you're a little kid and lots of things are funny? I thought about jokes. This one joke, that is just too cheesy for me to love in a way that it should be loved goes like this:

Why did the boy throw the clock out the window?

Because he wanted to see time fly.

Oooooh boy. I'll give you a second to recover from the lameness of that last punch line. Well, actually just the whole joke. Ooh man.

Anyway, I thought about that literally. It's time "flying." Well, I pictured an alarm clock in an airplane. Flying, airplanes, yeah I'm really creative, I know. But then I thought instead of fly, to go back to the idea of traveling and wouldn't it be just so cool if the numbers were actually traveling off the clock?

I included the Polaroid picture, doily cloth, and broken beaded necklace to represent objects of "timelessness" and I crafted the clocks to appear somewhat as pocket watches. I just kind of went for a vintage feel since time has traveled so far from that era.

This print is just an artist's proof and I'll print my edition on Thursday on Stonehenge paper instead of sketchbook paper. And then I'll move on to a copper plate instead of a plexiglass one.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Winter Drinks

Let's talk about coffee because, after all, I am a Barista. First, let me tell you the irony of my employment - I'm not big on espresso. I'm not a fan of the taste, and I've never experienced its caffeinated rush of energy. I spend most of my time drinking hot chocolates, steamers, ciders or blended drinks.

But, because we are heading in to winter (minus the snow? really! it's November, mother nature. Just fyi) I will let you in on some of my favorite warm, roasty toasty drinks for you to try out when you're feeling in the mood.

First off, I drink all of my drinks with soy as a general rule. Not because I'm lactose intolerant (because I'm not) but because I like the taste better, and it's not as heavy as 2% (which I've found has a tendency when coupled with sugary sweet syrupy goodness to upset my stomach in the morning before I've been properly nourished). Second, I only steam my milk to 140 degrees at most. Beyond that temperature, and I have to let it sit with the lid off before it doesn't fry my taste buds when I take sip.

Hot chocolates are the best. I usually drink mine with blackberry flavoring or cherry. The cherry is especially good with a little bit of white chocolate. The soy milk gives it a sort of nutty flavor, but both blackberry and cherry hot chocolates are great with regular milk as well.

An almond joy hot chocolate is my next favorite. It's made with dark chocolate, almond flavor and coconut flavor. And seriously? It's candy bar in liquid form. There's also a snickers version, reese's peanut butter cup version, and butterfinger version of hot chocolates as well.

And if you're looking to branch out even more with a hot chocolate, but candy bars just aren't your thing, try adding orange. It sounds weird, but its totally delicious.

(All of these are good as mochas if you want to add coffee to your drink as well, don't think I'm ignoring the espresso just because *I* don't like it, haha.)

When I'm not in the mood for a hot chocolate, I go for a steamer. Vanilla soy is pretty much my favorite, but I have to tell you that I love pumpkin spice steamers too. And there's one that our store makes called a Candied Apple - it has caramel sauce, apple flavor, cinnamon flavor and hazelnut flavor. It's absolutely delicious.

I'm not usually a chai person. When I worked for campus dining, I hated the chai they used. It was Tazo brand, and I'm just not a fan. So when I moved to Sister's Brew, they brought with them Monin chai tea. I was hesitant, a little scared at best, to try it out. But it's a concentrated chai, and it's got a little spice to it. I'm still too nervous to add it to my steaming soy milk, but let me tell you, you have to try an eggnog chai at least once in your life time.

I have had a weird love/hate relationship with eggnog. I loathed the stuff when I was little. I would. not. drink. it. for. the. life. of. me. But I remember that my brother loved it. I couldn't swallow it down. Too thick. Didn't taste good.

But I also have this habit of trying things that I used to not like. I keep thinking, 'I'm older now, what if I like now?' And so far, a few things I have changed my mind about (oatmeal is not one of these things) (it probably never will be).

So last year when eggnog was in season I re-tried the creamy thick yellow liquid, and I surprised myself. It was so good! And it's even better steamed than it is cold (in my opinion). And it's even better with chai mixed in it than it is by itself.

And finally, for this post, if you are in a cider mood, I don't really feel like anything needs to be added to perfection. However, it sounds crazy, but mixing some chai in with your cider is pretty delightfully yummy as well.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm Not Interesting Anymore

I think I have lost something that used to make this blog interesting. This blog has never had a purpose, it's never been about anything really, except me. Just me, in my little daily life. And sometimes I don't post things because of who reads my blog and their relationship to me on a personal level. And sometimes I just don't know what to write about because I haven't done anything or taken any neat pictures.

I don't have a weekly post about a certain something, and I haven't actively participated in any I Heart Faces challenges in over a month.

Every Sunday I get emailed stats of site views for my blog. The past three weeks it's been stuck at nine. Nine page views a day. It used to be around 23 or so. Sometimes more. What happened?

I feel like I've become less interesting. I don't post about anything thought provoking, really. And when I pose a question, it seems that no one really has an answer for me.

I need to quit writing for people and I need to start writing for me.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

If It Ain't Eggs, It Ain't Breakfast. I Love Eggs.

*I'm going to preface this post by saying that while I really do think eggs are an important part of breakfast, some of the delicacies I have listed here do not include these chicken produced wonders. However, that is not to say that I do not eat eggs alongside of or closely following the scrumptious foods of my breakfast list*

I'm glad it's the weekend. I really am. Weekends are the only days of the week where it is permissible to stay up until the earliest hours of the morning and sleep in past noon. Though, truth be told I usually crash around 2 o'clock, which seems to be the latest that my brain parts allow me to function, and I wake up crusty eyed somewhere around 9:30 or 10:00, which is just a couple hours before anyone else is awake.

It gets me thinking though, being awake all by myself, how nice it would be to have a kitchen to wander into. I could make breakfast! I could cook bacon. And eggs. And mix them together, throw them into a skillet warmed tortilla, slap on some salsa and scarf it down like there's no tomorrow. Because don't you know it, but I make some of the best breakfast burritos around.

Or, do you know what I've really been craving for breakfast? Whole wheat waffles with blackberries. And maple syrup. You see, I'm very picky about my pancakes, waffles included. I have to be in the right mood, the planets have to align just so, and someone else has to want them right along with me. This doesn't happen very often, and most of the time I only eat the flapjacks because they are there and I'm too lazy to cook anything else.

But I have to tell you that my absolute favorite breakfast food is Eggs Benedict. I have no idea why they call it Benedict, as I don't believe it has anything to do with treasonous acts of a certain Arnold of the Benedict variety. However, this way of preparing eggs is quite lovely. My mother makes a white jalapeƱo sauce occasionally instead of the traditional Hollandaise version. I love both. Poached eggs, Canadian Bacon (or slices of ham, whatever's available), toasted English muffins, and creamy sauce of your choice - what is NOT to love?

Nothing. Because everything I just listed is delicious.

French toast, with powdered sugar because people who eat it with syrup are nuts, is ranked number two in my lists of breakfast foods that deserve awards. Along with gooey, straight out of the oven cinnamon rolls. Cream cheese frosting please, and nothing else. Mmmm, I am making myself hungry. Perhaps I now have to make a trip to the grocery store in order to obtain the deliciousness that is not ever even in the slightest found in the school cafeteria also referred to as Bob's.

Great. Now I'm starving.

What do you eat for breakfast? And please don't say oatmeal, or I fear we'll never be able to become friends.   

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What Natalie's Been Doing Instead Of Blogging

I was 'Natbat' for Halloween. I had mixed reviews on thoughts about my costume, but in the end, I liked it. And that's all that matters! 

I worked Halloween night, so there was no party wild nights for me. There was a family that came into the shop dressed as the Incredibles and one of my coworkers was a lovely Carmen San Diego. She had a brown wig, red trench coat and everything. It was awesome. 

Prince Charming came in to visit me wearing his creepy wooden mask he bought at a street fair this summer. It was shocking to see him walk through the door with long black hair and tusks sticking out of his hooded Twinlow sweatshirt. 

Prince Charming and I have been hanging out a lot with one of his friends from VTD and his girlfriend. We do a lot of "double dating" aka hanging out at their apartment playing video games, eating dinner, and going on WinCo runs. 

The other night I was craving lasagna, so I commandeered the kitchen at Prince's friends house (who really needs a good blog name, but I can't think of one at the moment) and I cooked us dinner. I didn't have all of the usual ingredients, but it turned out delicious and there were no leftovers.

And in my world, no leftovers = huge success.

Then I went to Zelda's on Wednesday for our annual Criminal Minds hang out night, where we baked these delicious goodies:

And then we decorated them for Halloween even though Halloween is over. We just weren't ready to decorate for Thanksgiving quite yet. We also watched episodes of Castle before the new Criminal Minds was on.

Aren't they cute? Those are the ones I did. I don't have a good picture of the ones that Zelda decorated, but hers were probably more awesome than mine, haha. I was too wrapped up in the show to really get into the decorating. 

Also, I've found some interesting stuff this week around town. I had to go to Moscow Building supply for some plexiglass for my printmaking class and while we were there we found these bad boys, but we didn't purchase them, so I can't tell you if they taste good or not. 

I didn't want it to magically turn me into a commie, so I just took their picture. 

 In my building this sign is posted on the doorway. I'm pretty sure it belongs on Fail Blog and not on the main entrance to my place of residence.

I just have to ask though, what does Chilly taste like?
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