Saturday, June 27, 2009

Fun? Or Something Sort Of Like It

So it turns out that I have to wait two weeks to see the doctor again, and in the mean time I need to write a letter of appeal for my financial aid situation and fill out scholarships until they are coming out my ears.

My doctor told me that I probably have an ovarian cyst and that she'll know more on Monday after she speaks with the other doctors in her firm.

But I've decided that I hate ultrasounds and I never want to be pregnant because I hate the feeling of having to pee all the time, and then going to an appointment to have a technician push on my already over full bladder. That my dear Watson, is torture.

Mom told me I'll change my tune when I'm older, and she's probably right. However, for now, I'm not in the market to produce offspring. Which is a good thing, since I'm not married and if I ever did get pregnant when I wasn't married my dad would probably kill Prince Charming. It's understandable. But we don't do anything, so there's nothing to worry about.

Anyway, moving on to different subjects I got to spend time with my amazing friend Ariel. We spent a few much needed catching up hours together before she left me for a Shocks game in Spokane. Ha, ha. It was nice to see her and talk with her about things that only she and I understand. Besides that we are both comical and entertain each other beyond all reason, so we practically spend the entire day laughing at one another. It. is. awesome. You really have no idea. :)

AND some of the best news is that The Keeper purchased an Xbox 360 yesterday along with Halo 3, and then he promptly put me in a game while never having played an Xbox before. He decided to kill me at any point he could as initiation into the game. Thanks a bunch bro. Much appreciated. See if I ever play with you again.

Okay, so that might be kind of a lie because I'm incredably competitive and know that I will indeed play halo three with him in the near and distant futures. Oh boy.

Well, the parents seem to have returned from fishing? Don't know for sure, but I'm off to get some breakfast anyway. :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's Been A While

Hello Bloggers!!!!

I have missed you all. And I'm glad to be writing because I've been missing it sorely. I'm home for a couple days from camp - and the reason for that isn't so great, but the time I've been away at camp has been better than I ever hoped it would be.

Working with kids is awesome.

There are some that are teacher's pets, there are some that are tattle tails, there are some that are so sweet you don't want to ever let them go and there are some that you could do without, but you love them all. The little boys I work with are so adorably awesome that I just want to keep them with me all the time.

And I'm making great friends with the staff at Twinlow. I swear I'm starting to become better friends with the girls that I live with than I could ever have been with Belle or Ariel or Sleeping Beauty or Zelda. (Even though I still love all of them too :-) )

But it seems lately (and by lately I mean within the past week) that a lot of stressors have come into play. Because I hated going to school so much last semester, I let my grades suffer until I decided to switch majors and get my motivation back. However, it wasn't in time for me to pull my grades up, and now I've lost all my financial aid for next semester.

Apparently I have to write an appeal letter to the financial aid office to see if I can reason with them to get my financial aid back. Since my major's been switched, I really would like to be at school now. I want to go. I hope I can just make a really convincing argument so they'll be happy to still give me money that I need so desperately. Alternatives are live at home and go to school here, and not that I don't like my house, I just really want to be away at school. It's a me thing I suppose.

But I didn't find this out until Thursday when my mom took me to the doctor because for the last week I've had abdomenal cramping. At first I thought it was related to TOM - but when TOM left, I still had that icky achey feeling, and sometimes it would be really sharp too. It's so bad sometimes that I can't stand up straight because I just have this really tight feeling in my lower abdomen.

My doctor thinks I have an ovarian cyst, so I have an ultrasound this morning for confirmation of the cyrst and I'm chugging half my weight in water to fill my bladder up. Oh joy. But I have to admit that all of my co-workers are happy that I finally went to the doctor. It amazes me how close we all seem to have become.

But I must say, the thing to do among the Twinlow staff is quote Robin Hood: Men In Tights. If you haven't seen it, watch it. It's full of awesome quotes. Plus it has Carry Elwes and I just plain think he's cute. :)

Well, it's time for me to start getting reading to leave the house for my appointment. I'll be home until Sunday afternoon and then it's back to camp for a week. Hope all of you are having an awesome summer!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm Still A Rockstar

It seems as though lately I haven't really felt like I've done anything worth mentioning - although I assure you this is probably not the case because I am a very important and influencial person. *ahem* Okay, so that may or may not be true, but I'll leave it up to you all to decide.

We've discovered that since our Gopher Adventure, it was actually a marmot and NOT a gopher. Farther investigation is in persuit to figure out exactly where the vermin came from. Several theories are in circulation. Further bulletins as events warrant.

My room has gone from post-tornado-disaster-area to spick-and-span-do-people-actually-live-in-this-room-amazingly-clean. DP and I have come away with beyond a reasonable amount of trash sacks and a box of clothes for my cousin along with a box of clothes for donations. Also we have recently discovered that our vaccuum is CRAP and is really too lazy to even pick up hair off of the floor. Thus DP and I were reduced to cleaning the floor with our hands so that her nasty long strands of brown hair wouldn't choke our toes if we decided to wander around the room bare foot.

Unfortunately the awesomly epic and amazing vaccuum I would LOVE to purchase for my mother costs about 500 dollars. Sorry mom, but I'm a poor college student and if I had an extra 500 laying around I would be spending it on text books...*ahem* I'm sure you can understand my plight.

Princey and I took our dogs to Tubbs Hill yesterday for some much needed exercise. My old grandma geezer deaf and blind dog joyous youthful radiant puppy made the treck to the beachy spot Prince Charming and I found and then proceeded to swim around and scratch herself on some nearby pine trees for the better part of an hour. Prince's dog was content with chasing sticks and repeatedly dove into the cold lake water to retrieve the drift wood time and time again. She was, needless to say, very entertaining. And by the time the hour was over, my pant legs were soaked on the bottom and my feet had become used to the freezing lake water. :)

Today it's packing and paperwork and useless bits of fluff before I take off tomorrow as a Day Camp Counsilor at Twinlow for the remainder of the summer. :) So it's probably going to be a while before I post again. 1, because I am gone for the first two weeks at camp to get CPR and First Aid certified. 2, the weekend after that we are going camping. and 3, I don't think I'll have time to post during camp weeks.

But the next weekend I'm home I'm sure I'll have lots of wonderful anecdotes to bring to all of your ever curious eyes. :) Until then readers, until then.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gopher It

So yesterday I babysat Princess M and we had all sorts of fun playing around the house and doing Princess-y things like playing dolls, making up stories, watching Blue's Clues, and being the awesome cousins that we are. :) My aunt and uncle were out partying like it was 1999 celebrating their 10 year wedding aniversary, and weren't home until late. So I ended up spending the night instead of having to drive all the way home from Spokane at 10:30 at night. I was introduced to GF waffles this morning - and they are delicious. To top it off, the waffles were 'Cinderella' waffles (because of the design on the waffle iron), so they were just all the more delicous. :) Yum.

I got back to my house around noon-ish and found my brother and dad working in the front yard, and my mom was in the kitchen making a pie. A lot of my friends graduated high school last night, so we were making a pie for one of the grads that was in track with me and soccer with The Keeper. I chatted with mom for a while and then went to shower. After the hot, much needed shower I went into my bedroom to put on clean clothes.

That's when I heard it.

This chirping noise sounded like it was right outside my window. I thought it was a bird, but I couldn't see anything outside the window, so I just ignored it. I had just pulled a shirt over my head when my brother knocks on the door. He comes into the room to ask me about seeing the new movie Up later tonight with a bunch of friends.

We hear my dad yell my mom's name a few times and The Keeper tells Dad that Mom's in the bathroom. So The Keeper goes in Mom's stead, and when she emerges from the bathroom I told her Dad was looking for her. So she heads out to the garage where the Keeper and my father have disappeared to.

Being the curious girl that I am, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. So I step out into the garage and I hear it again. That ridiculous chirping noise. But this time it's really loud. I look up into the rafters to see if there's a bird caught up there. Nothing.

My dad is holding a rake, and The Keeper and my mother are looking up underneath the trailer. Apparently a gopher has taken to wreaking havoc about the side of the garage and my father and The Keeper are working on getting it out of there. I dart back inside and slip on my shoes.

When I get back out to the side of the garage, my brother has found a long stick and is poking and prodding around to find where this thing has taken cover. Dad comes back around the trailer and I head on over to where The Keeper is standing with his large beating stick. The Keeper goes between the side of the trailer and the side of the garage.

Getting down on my hands and knees I see the tail of this rodent right by the rear tire of the trailer. I yell to The Keeper and he jams that stick up towards the gopher to scare it out of hiding. No such luck. That darned gopher jumps from one side of the trailer to the other. I'm still on my hands and knees watching the spectacle from behind the trailer as The Keeper pokes his stick in the rodent's face. The gopher falls from the axle of the trailer and darts out toward where my mother is standing between the tongue of the trailer and my dad's large blue dodge ram. This gopher is booking it.

She shrieks and this vermin runs underneath Dad's truck and tucks himself up underneath the spare tire on the bottom of the truck. Mom's idea is to get the hose and squirt the sucker out of there, but Dad hops in the front seat and takes off down the road while the Keeper follows him carrying this stick in case the gopher hops back out. What a sight. I ran to grab my camera, but I was too late and they were already down the road.

Dad drove to the nearby elementary school where the gopher was 'disposed of.' What an eventful day and it's not even over yet.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to straighten my hair and put on some make up so I can be ready for whatever the rest of the day has planned for me... :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Losening The Grip

It feels awkward right now. I wasn't worried about getting the job at camp until lately. I have the job - but come to find out that Prince is worried, my dad is worried, his mom is worried. Am I the only one that thinks I can handle it? Should I be worried? Am I overlooking things here?

My motives are pure, I promise. I'm not going there simply because Prince Charming is there. I want to work with the kids. I want to get the experience. It looks good on a resume, and it will help build leadership skills and farther my relationship with God. It seems that the ONLY 'drawback' is that my boyfriend is also working there.

And in reguards to yesterday's post about feeling hurt by being 'abandoned' by Prince, well yeah, that's how I felt in the moment. Until my dad brought something to my attention. I have seen Prince Charming everyday since I've been home from school. Maybe I'm holding on too tight? Dad told me lots of things that he didn't expect to be telling me at only 18 years of age, but because of the relationship that exsists between Prince Charming and I, he felt it necessary to enlighten me to the thinking of the wise. And I agree with a lot of what he said. And maybe I am holding on too tight. But that's really hard for me to admit.

Part of me wants to say I only hold on as tight as Prince does. But I really need to step back and do a fair evalutation of the situation before I can readily admit that it's not all my fault. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that maybe it is me who is doing the holding. But maybe it is both of us.

I haven't spoken to Prince-y today. Nor had I planned on it. I wanted some space. I need some time to sit and figure out exactly what I want to do. But then he left a comment about my prior post, and I read his blog posting. A comment left, I decided that there was more to say on the subject and thus this post was born so that maybe some sort of air can be cleared.

Perhaps I have become like the monkey grabbing at the shiney object in the cage that is too big to fit between the bars, so it just sits there holding on because it doesn't know how to let go. Maybe I just need to learn to let things go easier. Become a little melower. Losen my grip...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Love Affair

Have you ever felt like you spend a lot of time with someone, but you never really see them? Or that when you are together, it's never long enough? Or maybe like when you're with someone, and then they are making plans to meet with someone else you feel a little slighted? You're not mad, per se, but more like disappointed.

Today had high hopes.

I knew I wasn't going to see Princey a lot today because he and his friends had planned on watching scary movies tonight - and since I HATE being scared, I opted not to go. So I go pick up Prince Charming at his house around 1 o'clock for a picnic at the beach. We hike to a place on Tubbs Hill, set down a blanket, eat some food, talk, laugh, dip our feet in the ridiculously cold water, and have an all around good time. I know I have some chores that I need to finish up at home, but I'm not really in any hurry to go do them. Nevertheless, Prince and I pack up the stuff and make the hike back out to the car.

He hops in the front seat and whips out his cell phone. His friends are already altogether and without consulting me whatsoever he tells them he'll be there soon.

Thanks. I'm a taxi.

"Are you mad at me?" he asks as I drive toward the booth to exit the parking lot.

"No," I say. It's a half truth. I don't know whether or not I should feel mad yet. One of his very best friends is leaving soon - moving down to California for school - and I told Prince that he should spend some time with the friend before the big move. However, I'm the one that drove all the way out to Prince's house to go get him and was hoping for a little longer than a measily hour.

"Are you sure?" he always asks me this because sometimes when I am mad at him, I tell him not and try to get over it myself. I nod my head in affirmation.

But as the drive goes on, I think about it more and more. And I still don't think I'm angry, just really disappointed. I can understand that he wants to see his friends. I know he sees a lot of me. But still. It might have been his idea to have a picnic today, but I packed all the food, did all the driving and felt like I was having a good time out on our little rock we had claimed. And then as soon as its over he just wants to leave? How am I supposed to feel?

"Am I leaving you too soon?" He asks as we get farther down the road and I'm still silently manuvering the Yukon XL through our 'heavy' downtown traffic.

"A little," I admit honestly.

"You could have told me that," he says. I don't answer him, but instead just stare at the cars in front of me. But his sentence hangs around my head. I think about it over and over again. My mind wanders and then I come back to that sentence.

When? When could I have told him that? As soon as he got in the car that cell phone was to his ear. I didn't know who he was calling and why. I had no forshadowing of the conversation to come between him and his friends. Where was my warning?

I dropped him off at the said meeting place without so much as a kiss. He'll be with his friends. He'll have a good time. He'll forget about the situation...until he reads this. But I'm here, with chores still left to do, and it'll be my mind. And it won't leave.
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