Sunday, February 23, 2014


This weekend was deliciously amazing. I didn't do anything too spectacular, but I know a good weekend when I see it. 

Friday afternoon I went to the art gallery slash music building on the University of Idaho campus to see if my students won any awards in the high school art competition. One of my students received an honorable mention. And just, holy goodness I was so proud. Maybe I am a real teacher after all? But I was thrilled beyond measure, like, words cannot describe. I felt like a little kid who was just handed their favorite candy bar and even though it wasn't even my candy bar I jumped up and down all the way back to the car. 

And Saturday we just watched Game of Thrones basically all day. Which, I mean, I hated Game of Thrones when all the boys started watching it a while ago. But I'm starting to change my mind. Not being surrounded by college aged boys in a living room where there aren't enough seats for everyone definitely helped make the experience more enjoyable this time around.

Plus, this morning I had red velvet pancakes. Oh yes. 

But I realized something when I got back to my apartment today. The beginnings of my years are always hard and I kind of expected this year to be that way too. But it hasn't been, not in the way that I had anticipated. Anyway, I was thinking about what made last year so tough (the break up) and that this same weekend but in 2013 was the weekend that Nathan drove up to see me because I had posted this and he realized that maybe he didn't want me out of his life forever. 

So high five Nathan for having a good same weekend a year later. You're seriously my favorite. ♥

this is my valentine's bouquet. i stinkin love it.

1 comment:

  1. Aww :') I just. Sometimes apparently I'm a hopeless romantic. That is all.



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