Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Are like crack....feed my addiction.

Okay so I've heard that my blog wasn't letting people leave comments, so I switched back to my old template and hopefully that fixed things.

I don't really have any good blog fodder right now, so I suppose I'll just upload a picture for your viewing pleasure :)

This is both pictures for one half of the project I'm doing in Art 121. It's to take something pretty and make it ugly. Enjoy!


  1. I *love* that!! Funny, well-done, and totally "ugly"! ;)


  2. That kind of scary.
    For a good blog makeover be sure to check out Drew's blog.

    I've done mine too and in my opinion it is beautiful.

  3. Hey Cinderella,
    LOL you did quite a good job of making the beautiful very ugly! I would give you an "A" for sure :) I really like your blog and I apologize for taking so long to get by here. I do love art and I hope to see more of yours!
    Take care my friend,
    Julian :)


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