Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hello Texas

Well hello April! When did you get here? This year is going by so fast it's incredible, but honestly doesn't it always feel that way? I mean, the older I get the faster time seems to move even though it hasn't sped up from when I was a little girl. Really, a second is still a second.

This week is spring break and holy buckets I can't believe it's that time of year already! But I am so glad it's spring time now instead of a snowy white winter blanket. Green grass and blooming flowers are a welcome sight, for sure.

I'm spending the week in Houston, Texas with some good friends. We are doing all the cool kids things like living the island life in Galveston for a day and turning into lobsters, visiting the zoo, and experiencing the greatest thunder storms of ever.

In Galveston, we rode the ferry, ate lunch, searched for shells, made up a song, saw some dolphins, played in the ocean, jumped over waves, laid in the sun, bought some souvenirs, ate Greek food, and wandered around the Strand for a bit. The we headed back home and got chocolate wasted at The Chocolate Bar before coming home and crashing like exhausted sun fried tourists. Seriously, it was the coolest.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh you are soooo red! I seriously love that sea shell owl! It's adorable.


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