
Well hey there, dudes. And welcome to my blog.

My name is Natalie and this is the part where I tell you all the things you want to know but are afraid to ask, right?

Well life these days is a bit of a crazy dance. I'm figuring out how to be what I want to be and the steps I need to take to get there. I used to think I had everything all figured out and I knew where I was going. Then life started to take it's course, and here I am.

This blog is a not-so-great chronicle of my trials and errors of being a 20 something in the 21st century. Let the games begin!

Oh, and this is Nathan:

I don't know exactly how to describe Nathan in a way that will do him justice. He is a fearless dreamer. He is ambitious and motivated. He is one of the smartest, most caring guys I know. In his arms is my favorite place to be, and by his side is where I want to stay. Our road together hasn't always been easy and we have had to overcome plenty of obstacles, but I think we have only come out stronger for it. He is the almond milk to my Kashi cereal and all of my mutual weirdness.

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