Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Life has been so busy lately that I feel like I've been swallowed up in everything that's been going on. At work there is constant grading, lesson planning, collaborating, preparing for the day, the hour, the minute. Students who need this and want that, students who's attitudes keep me in a constant agitated state for the entire hour they inhabit my room. My nerves are starting to become a little fried and I think that Christmas break can't get here fast enough.

I get so overwhelmed sometimes that I just shut everything out. I quit producing, I quit writing, I quit working out. I lack the motivation to hop out of bed in the morning bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to take on the day. Very often I drink around three cups of coffee just to feel like I can even handle the day.

Today after school instead of grading the last of the two point perspective houses that I've been putting off or creating a rubric for the optical illusions the kids are starting to finish, I grabbed a large lump of clay and squished it around in my hands.

You guys, there is just something about creating that makes me feel alive. I spend all my energy day in and day out teaching other people how to be creative and most of those people don't even care. Art is really looked down upon in society. "But I'll never use it," they say. "This isn't even relevant to what I want to do with my life." "Do I really have to do this?"

It's exhausting to answer those questions over and over again that yes, this is important. Yes you have to do this. You're in this class, so while you're here do the work. Art helps you creatively problem solve. It helps improve your hand-eye coordination. It teaches you how to express yourself in a way that you never could before. In essence, everything you produce in an art room is a reflection of who you are as a person.

But high schoolers really don't care about that kind of stuff, as a general rule.

So anyway, back to this clay that's in my hands. It's been so long since I just got to make something that I wanted to make with no teenagers around to distract my attention. I mean, I did make a coffee mug as an example of the relief technique, but it took me a while to get through it because wouldn't you know it, these students actually need someone to pay attention to them? Who would have thought.

I used my fingers and the palms of my hands to wedge the clay and form it into a log shape. Then I used the slab roller to flatten the log into a nice sheet. The room was so quiet; the only sound was the creaking of the heavy slab roller, back and forth over the clay.

Breathe in, breathe out.

It reminded me of what it was like to hang out in the print making lab at the university late, late at night when I was the only person in there. My life is very loud, the world is a pretty noisy place, and when I'm working by myself sometimes I like to keep the radio off. I like to hear myself think. I'm pretty sure this is a trait I learned from my mother.

After I finished using the slab roller I had two flat sheets of clay. One of them I used to cut a circular base for a vase and the other was the wall of the vase itself. I cut it into a rectangular shape and then placed a doily over top. I don't know if you know this, but doilies are super handy where clay is involved. They are great for adding texture to the surfaces of projects. Usually you use a rolling pin and imprint the clay with the doily design, but this time I didn't do that.

This particular design had quiet a few large gaps in it, so I decided to mark them with a dental tool and then cut them out. While this was happening, my favorite janitor came in to clean my room. We talked and laughed as I worked the clay with my hands.

I stood the rectangle shaped clay that I just cut holes in upright and wrapped it around the circular base, forming the shape of the vase. The clay was a little too moist, which made it kind of a battle to stand upright. With the help of a heat gun and good conversation I was able to make it work.

In some areas the clay got a little dry and cracked, so I came back in with slip on my fingertips to smooth out the design. Slip is just super wet clay and it's used to glue pieces of clay together or to add color or smooth out textures in pieces. It has the consistency of a mud puddle after some of the water has evaporated - you know the ones you step in and feel like you're maybe going to lose your shoe because they kind of suction you in? Mmmmm yes, it's delicious.

The janitor left while I was still smoothing down the outside and making sure that my design was staying intact. Watching this vase come together reminded me that I still know how to create things. It reminded me that I'm still an artist. It symbolized the fact that maybe I do know what I'm talking about after all. And that felt pretty darn good.

In the hustle and bustle of everything going on in life, not just mine but also the people around me, things just get messy. I get a little lost and I forget where I'm going or why I'm going or how I'm going to get there. But I tell you what, I was made to be an artist. It's where I belong. It's where I'm most comfortable.

I wasn't cut out to be a traditional teacher. I don't even know what that looks like. And if I was cut out for that, then somebody sowed me together wrong because all I know how to be is who I am and that is a Creator of Things. Maybe I just have a different approach to life, and maybe that's not so bad. And maybe also I just need to give myself time to create things more so that I'm motivated to do the things that maybe I don't want to do.

I miss being a student for the sheer fact that I miss having time set aside for the specific purpose of creating. I need that back. I need to have time for myself to create so that I can remember what it feels like. So that I can be better at teaching other people what it feels like to create and why creating is important. Because dudes, creating is so important.

Monday, November 18, 2013


As the year starts drawing to a close, I seem to always get more reflective and thankful about life. The serenity of a snow laden landscape, the sun setting behind the rolling hills of the Palouse on a long drive home, and the calmness of the music playing softly through my car's stereo speakers all come together in such a perfect way, indescribable with words. It makes me all sorts of nostalgic.

I was remembering my life for this past year and what a crazy roller coaster it's been. It's funny to me, that as you go through life you often forget what life was like a month ago. A year ago. Three years ago. Who were you then? What were you doing? Who was important? Where did you live?

And holy buckets you guys, I have come so far. When I started this blog* I was a freshman in college. I was just a little baby, embarking on the adventure of my life with no idea of the obstacles I would face or the path I would choose. I was wide eyed and innocent, not even eighteen years old. Now here I am, twenty-three and graduated with a full time teaching position.

Sometimes I wish I could go back and do it all over. But then I think about all the papers I had to write and projects I completed, paperwork I filled out, and I'm glad I'm on the other side of all that. We tend to glorify the past, only remembering the good parts and forgetting the painful ones. College was such a fun time in my life, for the most part. But there was a lot of crap I went through too, and college hurt a lot. It forced me to grow, it helped shape my journey.

College was full of life lessons to learn. It was full of relationships, with boys and girls who were older and younger than me. I had to navigate situations I'd never been through before. I had to learn who to trust and when to let go. My time at the university taught me so much more than just academics, it taught me life. And for that, I am thankful.

There is a lot in my life, actually, that I am thankful for this year. Because it's November, a lot of my friends and family are posting everyday the different things that make them grateful. I haven't been doing that, and I'm not sure why. But here are some things that I'm thankful for everyday:

My family. Without their support I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today. I know that we don't always see eye to eye on everything, but I do know that they will love me no matter what.

My friends. There are people on this planet who aren't related to me and yet will still always be around. That is comforting beyond words, especially for a quiet little introvert like me.

My boyfriend. That boy does not know how special he is to me on so many levels.

My pup. I love that little Lottie dog more than I know how to express. She's just the cutest.

My job. This is the toughest thing I've ever gone through and some days I really feel like walking away but I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. At least for the moment. And plus, my coworkers and students are generally pretty awesome. This school is a great environment to be in everyday.

The weekends. I love those precious days in between work weeks. Especially when I get to share them with Nathan. It just doesn't feel like the weekend when we're not together.

My life. This adventure that I'm on is beautiful. Everyday I get to make new memories in this unique journey that God has blessed me with. I can't remember a time when everything was easy, but all the pieces fit together to make this beautiful picture. I don't get to see the whole thing just yet, but even the ugly parts of life are used to make the whole thing pretty darn rad.

Happy November, guys.

(ps here's a poem that i wrote a couple years ago. i just found it in my archives. it's a gem)

*i just realized that yesterday was the five year anniversary of my little blog! high five!

Monday, November 11, 2013


The term "mutual weirdness" first made its way into my vocabulary shortly prior to the popularization of everybody's favorite Pinterest. And then once I was heavily wading through a multitude of different pin boards, mutual weirdness was everywhere. But I loved it.

I don't know anyone who is normal. In fact, every person I've ever come in contact with is weird. They have all been big, huge weirdos. Unapologetically and enthusiastically weird in every way imaginable.

When I was younger I used to think being weird was a bad thing. I would hate it when someone called me a weirdo. Sometimes it will still catch me a little off guard, but then I remind myself that this person is just as abnormal as I am so it's all good.

I was raised in a family of freaks. We all have our own little quirks and you get the lot of us together and outsiders have loads of trouble following our conversations. The four of us kids can move effortlessly from movie quotes to song lyrics to pop culture references and mostly never miss a beat, but that is a learned skill from growing up together - one that can't be taught. It's like we speak our own little language.

But if you think about it, every family is that way. You all have little inside jokes that other people will just never understand. Being mutually weird is just part of what makes family so beautiful.

And then, yeah, there's that whole thing about finding someone whose weirdness matches yours and then you join up with them in mutual weirdness. I'm pretty sure I found my mutual weirdness.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Hey, remember when Facebook notes were a thing? And MySpace days where they sent around silly questionnaires to fill out? We were all becoming severely annoyed by how many were circulating? Well, I just realized something.

You guys! That information is gold! That's past me! I did that! I filled out those ridiculous answers to every question and now future me gets to reread them all and laugh at myself. Some of my answers to those questions would be exactly the same as four years ago me who originally typed out the answers.

I was going through my Facebook profile page, like you do, way back to the past because sometimes I get real curious about the old me. The me that was freshly graduated from high school and hated Mondays with a burning passion. Sometimes I forget that girl existed because I'm so caught up in my life right now. I don't think a person should dwell on or live in the past, but sometimes it's nice to take a trip down memory lane, right? Right.

So because I know now you're curious, here's one of the notes I found. I'll leave my original answers intact so we can all see the difference ;) (new answers = different color, just fyi)


1. What is your salad dressing of choice? 

honey mustard

2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? 
one's that serve good food. duh. 

i actually really don't have a new answer for this question...haha Northwest Pizza Co probably

3. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? 
i don't think i could do that with anything. i like me some variety. 

sea food!! oooooh yes. sea food all day every day! 

4. What are your pizza toppings of choice? 
pepperoni. or chicken. yum 

pepperoni if i'm going to be bad and eat pizza with cheese on it
otherwise definitely chipotle cashew pizza 

5. What do you like to put on your toast? 
unsalted butter 

pear butter 


1. How many televisions are in your house? 

still three actually.

2.the color of your cell phone? 
green :) 

black! with a blue/green case on it (i love you, iPhone!)

3. How long would it take you to look up who invented the Rubber Band? 
haha however long it takes google to search for me 

well, this just proves past natalie was a genius. same answer. high five 19 year old me! 

4. Have any idea how many Megahertz your computer has? 
no. should i? 

and yes. still no idea. 


1. Are you right-handed or left-handed? 
i have two hands actually. both a right one and a left one. freaky, i know. 

HAHA. seriously. could I have been any more sassy? 

2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? 
baby teeth. 

and now i can add wisdom teeth to this portion as well. 

3. What is the last heavy item you lifted? 
haha wow. idk. i do lots of heavy lifting. 

this ancient TV that is in my room. it weighs a million pounds i think.

4. Have you ever been knocked unconscious? 
not yet in my life. lol. 

still negative on this one too, rubber duck


1. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die? 
no way. 

yeah, no. still don't want to know that. 

2. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? 
i like my name. 

shocker, i still like my name...

3. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000? 
no. no i wouldn't. no thank you. 

and i bet you can guess the new answer to this question too...still a definite no.


1. How many pairs of flip flops do you own? 

i'm up to three now. i got them each for a dollar at old navy! win!

2. Last time you had a run-in with the cops? 
haha i don't remember what day it was. 

oh geez. months and months ago. stupid 34 in a 25 mph zone. 

3. Last person you talked to? 
mimi :) 

mah roommie Kelsey

4. Last person you hugged? 

my sister! miranda! funny that this is the same answer four years later!


1. Season? 

just, yes.

2. Holiday? 

well no, not anymore. i don't think i have a favorite these days. 

3. Day of the week? 

oh boy. I will have to change this to Saturday. oh yes. 

4. Month? 
august :) 

baha. yup. still the best month ever :)


1. Missing someone? 
oh definitely. a few people actually. 

a resounding NATHAN. long distance sucks

2. Mood? 

well, yeah. that about sums it up. 

3. What are you listening to? 
fever by peggy lee 

a playlist i created on spotify to justify my obsession with a few different songs that are popular these days

4. Watching? 
the computer screen. duh. 



1. First place you went this morning? 
to the out patient imaging center across from KMC for an ultrasound 

to the bathroom for showering! yay for cleanliness! 

2. What's the last movie you saw? 
Princess Bride 

Love, Actually

3. Do you smile often? 
everyday yes i do 

oh yes. a day without a smile is a day wasted

4. Sleeping Alone Tonight? 

actually i think i'm spending the night with my sister! sleepover! 

1. So you always answer your phone? 
when it's with me, yeah 

no way. if i don't recognize the number there's maybe a 20% chance i'll pick up. 

2. Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? 
someone who better be in a lot of trouble, because if they aren't, they're going to be for waking me up. 

nobody texts me at four in the morning! 

3. If you could change your eye color what would it be? 
mmmm i love my eye color actually. 

why would i do that? blue eyes are awesome!

4. Do you own a digital camera? 

oohh yes! i love it! i need more lenses for it!

5. Have you ever had a pet fish? 

and still a no on this one too, haha

6. Favorite Christmas song(s). 
don't know. there are a lot of good ones. 

hmmm yeah, i still can't narrow this one down...

7. What's on your wish list for your birthday? 
a new camera 
and one of those heat or freeze insense pad things that Miss June let me use 

my birthday is too far away for this question...

8. Can you do push ups? 
umm duh. 

yes i can. and i have several funny stories about this too. 

9. Can you do a chin up? 
yeah. i beat the WMS record when i was in 8th grade :) 

yep. i'm a beast, what can i say?

10. Does the future make you more nervous or excited? 
the near future is nerveracking right now, but the future future excites me. 

EXCITED! the world is my oyster. 

11. Do you have any saved texts? 
haha i don't thihnk i do anymore 

umm, well i don't really delete texts unless i'm making room on my phone for more pictures ;)

12. Ever been in a car wreck? 
not anything besides a fender bender that was extremely mild 

nope. still nope. 

13. Do you have an accent? 
everybody does whether they realize it or not. 

well, yes. and i can imitate a bunch of different ones from around the world. 

14. What is the last song to make you cry? 
don't remember 

marry me - jason derulo. okay, so i didn't break down and sob but i got a little teary. i really like that song. it's super sweet. 

15. Plans tonight? 
don't have any yet 

going to a play with my sister! Tarzan!

16. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? 
no. i haven't. 

well, maybe? I'm not sure. 

17. Name 3 things you bought yesterday. 
didn't buy anything yesterday. 

i paid the co-pay at the doctor's office to find out i had a viral infection and that's why my ears hurt

18. Have you ever been given roses? 
twice. one rose each time. 
it was on my missions trip to DC with my lovely small group ladies :) 

yeah, still only from the DC mission trip. no one buys me roses. Nathan bought me lilies once tho! 

19. Current worry? 
my medical predicament 
and my financial aid situation 

I don't know where my DL is or my debit card. awesome.

20. Current hate right now? 
my abdomen 

there's a few. i don't really feel like explaining them all. 

21. Met someone who changed your life? 
his name is Matthew 
her name is LizAnn 
her name is Amanda 
her name is Rebecca 
his name is Sheyne 
his name is Tyler 
his name is Chris 
her name is June 
her name is Lindy 
his name is Max 
his name is Brian 
and too many others to name. 

a lot of people have changed my life. that's the thing about people. 

22. How will you bring in the New Year? 
with my boyfriend probably 

still probably with my boyfriend haha 

23. What song represents you? 
don't even know. there are so many 

oh, yeah. the world is filled with songs that spell out my life. 

24. Name three people who might complete this? 
don't even know. 

this is a dumb question. no one does these anymore!

25. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 
eh, maybe. there are some things i would LOVE to change right now 
but i suppose everything happens for a reason. 

i don't think so. everything we go through makes us who we are today. 

26. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? 
not yet. 

hah! yes! i have! 

27. Do you have any tattoos/piercings? 
pierced ears and nose 

pierced nose, two tattoos 

28. Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now? 
more than likely. 

i sure hope so <3 font="">

29. Does anyone love you? 
oh yes 

quite a few people! 

30. Ever had someone sing to you? 
haha yes :) 

on multiple occasions. i love it!

31. When did you last cry? 
eh. a few days ago. 
i hurt. it's painful. 

well you know. a few days ago. 

32. Do you like to cuddle? 
it's the best 

indeed i do.

33. Have you held hands with anyone today? 
no :( 
he's too far away from me 

haha! he's still too far away. stupid moscow. shoot.

34. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? 
the good kind of country, not this new country/rock and roll stuff 

umm well, this answer can't change too much from a couple years ago haha

35. Are most of the friends in your life new or old? 
right now they are mostly all new 
which i love 
it was time for me to make some new buds 

I have a good blend going on right now of new friends and old ones. It's actually really nice. 

36. Do you like pulpy orange juice? 

on occasion. i don't drink a lot of juice though really. 

37. do you believe angels walk amoung us? 
sure do. definitely.

this question feels out of place with the rest of them, but you know, i do. definitely. 
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